In this project, I want to do a Matrix-ripoff where I enter the Matrix accidentally and unlock the secrets of reality just to complete a minute task such as warming a cup of cold coffee. The idea is to create a sketch of sorts that plays off of cliches in the Matrix franchise. I plan to re-watch some notable scenes from the Matrix to get an idea of the scene I want to build, as well as what side characters I want to throw in for comedic effect. I really am a fan of the Matrix’s soundtrack, and so I do want to include bits of my favorite songs (“clubbed to death” mainly), but obviously, I don’t want to make the piece music-oriented. I want to use Ebsynth to animate myself in the matrix, and plan to create backgrounds using After Effects and Photoshop. Ebsynth is a really useful tool that you can feed a video along with a single drawn frame, and the program will create other drawn frames from the video. From there all I would have to do is interpret those frames as a 24 fps video in Premiere and I can animate my face/body/objects/other people fairly easily. The program is still not perfect and getting “clean” footage takes a lot of time, however, I think that having glitched out or weird footage fits the Matrix universe and adds to the somewhat mocking tone I am trying to convey. I have good experience with Premiere, so I am excited to have more fun playing around with the footage as opposed to figuring out the software this time around.
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Digital Art 1
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